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Reel Britannia

Feb 23, 2019

Welcome to Reel Britannia-a very British podcast about very British films....with the occasional hint of professionalism.

In this episode, we have selected Melody from 1971 starring Jack Wild, Mark Lester and Tracy Hyde.

And joining Scott today to help review the movie is Mark from The Good The Bad and The Odd podcast (amongst others!)

Grade schoolers Melody (Tracy Hyde) and Daniel (Mark Lester) are completely earnest in their desire to wed one another. Unfortunately, no one seems to understand the ardor of their loving bond. Their parents and teachers find the marriage proposition ridiculous, and Daniel's closest pal, Ornshaw (Jack Wild), doesn't want to lose his buddy to a girl. However, the mischievous Ornshaw eventually warms to the idea, and helps Daniel and Melody escape the cruel clutches of the adults.


This and all our other episodes can be found on iTunes and Stitcher Radio as well as:

Player FM

Follow us on Twitter @rbritanniapod


Thanks for listening

Scott and Mark