Oct 30, 2018
Welcome to Reel Britannia-a very British podcast about very British films....with the occasional hint of professionalism.
For our Halloween episode, Scott has selected Theatre of Blood from 1973 starring Vincent Price.
Edward Lionheart (Vincent Price) is incensed that his last season of performances in Shakespearean plays did not win him a prestigious acting award from critics. After an unsuccessful attempt at suicide, Lionheart is rescued by a group of drug-addicted bums. He then sets out to murder all of his critics, each with a different style of death taken from a Shakespeare play. When Lionheart faces head critic Peregrine Devlin (Ian Hendry), he offers Devlin a second chance to bestow the award.
This and all our other episodes can be found on iTunes and
Stitcher Radio as well as:
Player FM
Follow us on Twitter @rbritanniapod
email: reelbritannia@gmail.com
Thanks for listening
Scott and Steven